15 Years of the Same Shitty Uploader Site

1 permalink: Alone in atonement 2012 01 07 - 07:00

2 permalink: Daemon 2011 12 22 - 07:00
There are some true daemons in the world. Their power lies in the ability to infect the angels and demigods with their corruption through simply osmosis. The stagnation of Morality occurs when the rate of infection creates a viel of illusion, under which, desires grow in the fecundity of the ego's falseness. Daemonic conclusion would have the understanding of duality pushed aside. When radicalism overcomes duality, we will find ourselves knee deep in the desecrated saNctums of our own making.


3 permalink: Realign to Re-realzie Mountain Beauty 2011 09 19 - 06:00
Thermonuclear horizon

Rising above the senses

Somehow, its easier to find the divine here

Omission of the senseless

Brilliant orb in the sky

Simulating the unblinking eye

Watching over all the people in overalls

So cold the trees refuse to grow

And yet, it is here I can see god without any prompting

Follow the cliffs away from the city, then and only then may you sit with me.

I share fire with the cold

And knowledge with the bold

But above all, I share what is known but never told

What needs be known out here in the great unknown


We already are everything….

And to know that is to unknow all

Prepare for the fall




Nothing, but the winds harsh reminder that I am not where I was before.

Natures version of Raven’s nevermore.

Sing praise to the Mountains

Sing praise to the Cliffs

Altering perception

Divinity eclipse

Klose your eyes to realize self above the skys

Drop down, spread your wings

Ride the wind as it sings

Air blinds, but you know the path

No signs

Release ego, release wrath

Rapid acceleration as the air strips you bare

When you reach your destination, truth is all you can share

You’ve finished your journey, now open your eyes….

But you know your not done.

Do just to do and simply have fun.

Return from nature and thoughts are abundant

The second we get back the memorable echo of silence is erased

By all the things we do to populate the sense-space

It is our weapon against the void….

Why do we fight against no-mind?

The ego fears it will be forgotten

Just like the silence it will never truly remember.

4 permalink: Shahdoe 2011 12 22 - 07:00
The trickster lies bound in a trap of his own making. His trapped life is in itself a trap for the unaware. Being set free due to his meager appearance, the trickster is free to play. For it was his pawns who set him free, as they have made their way to him their entire lives. It is now the player's turn to move, this time he sets procedures in motion to move the other forces' pieces. He doesn't need to win as HE has NO notion of losing.

And so the trickster engages in lila (the play of the gods/divine drama) for the infinite moments in eternity....forgetting all too easily, that the pieces are fractions of himself. And as he forgets, he in turn teaches the rest of himself to understand separateness.

HE does all this knowing full well that he will one day, enter the greatest of shadows only to rearrange the rules and the properties of the pieces and the game board.

5 permalink: New Sub 2011 09 19 - 06:00
This is a group where all who are interested can pursue their interests in spirituality, dreaming, thought xD, or just life philosophy. Here, none of us are purely teachers, we are all just eager students attempting to learn with whoever wants to join us. I don't have any rules, but I suggest that everyone keep an open mind, a curious heart, and an unconditionally loving attitude.

This will hopefully develop into a place where expressions of life in the form of art will flourish and be shared with the intention of helping the perciever step up to the next level or simply revel in the beauty of the universe.

I would hope that this group would reach out to whoever they think might benefit by this information. Again, there is no leader here, so it is up to the group itself to continue its existence.

The facebook medium of information transference seemed like an appropriate place to bring together people near and far for the purpose of furthering our own respective journeys and the facilitation of healing for ourselves and our universe. So, that being said....Welcome loves!

File Name   Size Date

   -AloneinAtonement 29 MiB
2014 11 23 - 13:16
   -Daemon 1.75 KiB
2014 11 23 - 13:16
   -RealigntoRe-realizeMountainbeauty 3.05 KiB
2014 11 23 - 13:16
   -Shahdoe 2.09 KiB
2014 11 23 - 13:16
   -coalitionofthedreamingmishstatement 2.32 KiB
2014 11 23 - 13:16
Play Media 01 Boyacanoe.m4a 3.51 MiB
2011 06 17 - 06:00
Play Media 02 Quadstep.m4a 18.26 MiB
2011 06 17 - 06:00
Play Media 04 grotesquestep.m4a 17.25 MiB
2011 06 17 - 06:00
Play Media 2C-A sample.mp3 5.56 MiB
2011 06 17 - 06:00
Play Media 2C-A.mp3 8.96 MiB
2011 06 17 - 06:00
Play Media 3AR.1_UVrt.dMt.wav 53 MiB
2011 10 19 - 06:00
Play Media 8pt1.wav 58.33 MiB
2011 06 17 - 06:00
Play Media APT Glitch.wav 101.73 MiB
2011 06 17 - 06:00
Play Media ArPulTunnel.mp3 7.83 MiB
2011 06 17 - 06:00
   AwesomeArticles 11.63 KiB
2014 11 23 - 13:16
Play Media BLAH sample.mp3 6.59 MiB
2011 06 17 - 06:00
Play Media Can't Help It sample.mp3 4.71 MiB
2011 06 17 - 06:00
   CloudfotosafterthehealingrainsofXMASeve 352.98 MiB
2014 11 23 - 13:16
Play Media DR34M!NG.mp3 4.55 MiB
2011 06 17 - 06:00
Play Media Dleep.mp3 7.65 MiB
2011 06 17 - 06:00
Play Media Do What You Love Mix.mp3 126.8 MiB
2011 06 17 - 06:00
Play Media ESP.mp3 6.22 MiB
2011 06 17 - 06:00
Play Media IDKbutimgoingtodancetoit.wav 38 MiB
2011 12 16 - 07:00
   Journalized 2.21 KiB
2014 11 23 - 13:16
Play Media KilleditbyTimbooSlice.wav 137 MiB
2011 10 14 - 06:00
Play Media RC.mp3 9.16 MiB
2011 07 04 - 06:00
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2014 11 23 - 13:16
Play Media Tokin.mp3 4.46 MiB
2011 06 17 - 06:00
   collectiveinsaenityMixes 3.03 KiB
2014 11 23 - 13:16
Play Media crash.mp3 8.96 MiB
2011 06 17 - 06:00
Play Media simplest things dem.mp3 7.2 MiB
2011 06 17 - 06:00
Play Media voodoo.mp3 6.33 MiB
2011 06 17 - 06:00
Play Media youguyskilleditonthatsetbubbi.wav 52.08 MiB
2011 12 16 - 07:00